Sunday, December 14, 2008


Change was the buzzword bandied about by ole'b.o. before the election. "We Need Change".

So what does change look like so far? Hmmmmm Hillary as Secretary of State... I don't really have to go into this one do I? Health and Human Services Secretary: Former Senate Majority Leader Tom "Puff" Daschle: The irony here is so thick you can taste it. Daschle fights like a pit bull every year to prevent tax cuts for working-class folks, like South Dakota farmers, who could save a few thousand dollars on their taxes thanks to the Bush tax cut. But there's no limit to the steps he will take to avoid paying taxes himself. Daschle was telling the truth when he claimed he was for tax relief: Tax relief for the Daschle family, that is. Attorney General: Eric Holder, former deputy attorney general. Let's not forget Holder's role in Clinton's pardon of fugitive financier Marc Rich eight years ago. Gov. Janet Napolitano, D-Ariz: she was the attorney for Anita Hill during the confirmation hearings for Justice Thomas. She has presided over a budget deficit in Arizona that is currently the second highest in the nation. She has presided over a state educational system that according to several surveys that is dead last in K-12 Education. Most importantly, she is the Gov. of a state in which illegal alien incursions into the US since her election have increased over 210% according to the DEA. Gov. Bill Richardson, D-N.M. Spending has risen dramatically during his time in office, an average of nearly 7 percent per year. This trend to spend shows no sign of slowing since the just-passed fiscal-year 2007 budget will grow by more than 8 percent.

I could go on and on but I think you get the picture. I can't wait for the next 4 years of change....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You forgot Holder's involvement with the whole Eilian Gonzales affair. But I think you've misunderstood what kind of change Obama was inferring. Think Blagosomethingvitch kind of change.