Sunday, December 7, 2008

No More Liberals Needed!

"Perhaps the fact that we have seen millions voting themselves into complete dependence on a tyrant has made our generation understand that to choose one's government is not necessarily to secure freedom."
F. A. Hayak

I've been doing allot of thinking and reading over the Thanksgiving Holiday. I'm stuck by the adulation of a messiah. People hanging on every word. As we spiral headlong from socialism to collectivism I can 't help wondering if we have a chance to stop the train. I'm watching as we head as far away from freedom and liberty espoused by Ronald Reagan in the 80's. It took 25 years to get here. How did we get from the best president this century to Ole B. O.? Most of the blame goes to my republican party. We want to be nice to liberals and get along. We're afraid of what the electorate will think and say about us if for some reason, we decide to lead again instead of trying to get along. I don't want to get along with liberals... I want to defeat them! Their ideas have been tried over & over & over and have NEVER worked!

Liberalism is dangerous. Liberalism led to the propagation of Hitler's Germany. All the way up until 1940, Neville Chamberlain and his cabinet still clung to the belief that if he talked to Hitler just one more time he could persuade him to cease his devouring of Europe. Of course, Churchill's warnings were finally headed and the UK declared war on Germany to save and preserve their way of life.

I don't consider Ole B. O. Hitler. Be serious. I do, however, believe the situation is strikingly similar. Liberals are out of control. Their lies and misdirection are being perpetuated by the lemmings in the media. Those of us who are still true conservatives feel like Winston Churchill. We keep sounding the warnings but the lemmings can't or won't listen. The biggest threat to freedom and liberty is the lemming's voluntary forfeiture of their personal responsibility to Ole B. O. for security

My friends, we need to keep sounding the charge. No giving in to the lemmings or Ole B.O. and his merry band of liberals. I am NOT voluntarily giving up any of my personal responsibility.

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