Monday, December 8, 2008

It Does Get Better

When the economy takes a downturn the first thoughts are "Gee, it may not come back". Don't worry, it always comes back. This is my third one and it isn't scary at all anymore. The only deterrent to getting the economy better is Ole B.O. Instead of this lasting 2 to 2 1/2 years it will last at least 3 1/2. Remember, this one is a tax and spender. He is going to expand the economy by public works; repairing highways etc, instead of the way it really works; less government spending and lower taxes. By the way, where are all of these roads that need repair? In one of my last columns I asked where Ole B.O. will get the money. C'mon, you know it is through taxes.

What is incredulous to me is how the lemmings cannot figure out how capitalism works. People work for money. The money is used to buy goods and services. Well, that puts allot of other people to work building our stuff and supplying us with things. When the government takes our money nothing is produced. 85% of tax receipts goes to social programs. We have less to spend. We can't buy as much. Jobs decrease. So lemmings, when Ole B.O. starts his FDR program people will get paid with our tax money. Unfortunately, our government will have to borrow money to pay them because there will not be enough tax money to cover it. Works great up until the money has to be paid back. How does it get paid back? You guessed it... Tax money.
Wake up lemmings! You put a Tax and Spend Liberal in office.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It may come back but if Obama insists on emulating FDR's economic policy, he runs the risk of doing what FDR did: prolong a depression for 7 years.