Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Healthcare Debacle

I'm shaking my head about the lunacy displayed to the House of Representatives yesterday. As I watched the debate Saturday afternoon and passing of the bill in the evening, I was struck by the utter lack of intelligence liberals have concerning the effect to our medical system and our economy.

Lets take a look at the Canadian Healthcare System. After 10 years with MANDATORY coverage, Canadian Doctors are leaving their practices in droves. Many young people are going into other fields so much so that Canada now ranks 26th out of 28th in its ratio of doctors to population. Canada once ranked high among it's number of physicians. The scary part is that unions, that's right, unions, control the Canadian Healthcare system. In Manitoba, there is an 8 month wait for colonoscopies because union's do not allow evening or weekend procedures. These unions are doing the same thing to Canada as our teachers unions are doing to American Education. Look at the recent rash of "Obama Songs" coming from our public school system long dominated by the liberal intelligentsia. Creativity in Canada has disappeared the same as creativity has disappeared from our public school system. Then again, examine the education coming out of Americas private schools. They're clearly more educated, go to better colleges, have a profound respect for God and Christian beliefs. The point is compare our private schools and private healthecare to our public schools and Canadian Healthcare. HUGE differences in quality.
Here is how it will affect our economy. Taxpayers get their money from jobs. Business owners get their money by selling products to consumers and pay their employees. Taxes will be raised to cover the cost of Obamacare. Consumers and business owners have less money purchase products. If we buy less products the business owner's income goes down. When the business owner's income goes down they lay off workers. The laid laid off workers suck from the government tit. Government has to raise taxes to fund unemployment transfer payments in addition to funding Obamacare. . The business owner has less money to pay their employees so they have to layoff additional employees. Liberal Idiots have trouble understanding there comes a point when business owners and taxpayers run out of money. They think tax money comes from the "Tooth Fairy" I heard a recent exchange with a Detroit radio station and a low income person standing in line to apply for up to $3000 (per person) in stimulus money. This people really thought the money was coming from Obama.
Here is the transcript:
Reporter: "Did you get an application to fill out yet?"

Woman: "I sure did, and I filled it out, and I am waiting to see what the results are going to be."

Reporter: "Will you know today how much money you're going to get?"

Woman: "No, I won't, but I'll be waiting for a phone call."

Reporter: "Where's the money coming from?"

Woman: "I believe it's coming from the city of Detroit or the state."

Reporter: "Where did they get it?"

Woman: "Some funds that was forgiven by Obama."

Reporter: "Where did Obama get the funds?"

Woman: "Obama gettin' the funds from... ummm.... I have no idea to tell you the truth. He's the president.

This woman obviously is the product of the Detroit Public School system. This is typical of the average liberal.
Here is how this mess leaves us as taxpayers. This is a total economic collapse. I often hear we should "Tax the rich" . How much money do you think the rich have in total, a trillion dollars? If we take all of their money away it would have paid for our government for this past year. They would be out of money and could not replace it because they can invest their money that creates business's. Where do we get the rest of the money to fund the government? The fact is we can't. One last example of total government control. Up until 1959 Cuba had a thriving economy. Castro overthrew the government and institutes a communist regime. Cuba is back to peasant status. We are heading into that situation with the vote in the house yesterday. Hopefully the Senate can derail this Fascist Express. .

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