Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Conservative Paradigm Shift

We must continue our Herculean effort to thwart this healthcare debacle. Every effort must be made to retard the legislative process so the American People have a continued opposing voice to the tone deaf Democratic Legislators. With the Senator Nelson sell out, the senate has the 60 votes needed for cloture. The electorate, which will seek senate retribution and jettison the intractable Harry Reid in November, is adamantly opposed to the bill's passage. There will be significant changes in both the house and senate this November prompted by a 3 trillion dollar deficit, cap & trade, the $100 Billion Dollar fleecing of the US Taxpayers at the farce in Copenhagen, Climategate, a complicit mainstream media, Socialist Healthcare Legislation, the Obama Apology Tour, 10.2 % dangerously increasing unemployment, laying with dictators, the trying of the 911 murderers in a New York Court and the absolute refusal to listen and heed to over 61% of the people.

Never, in the history of the United States, has a government willfully and destructively abrogated the privileges and precepts advanced by both the founding fathers and the constitution. Thomas Jefferson warned "...experience hath shown that, even under the best forms {of government}, those entrusted with power, over time, and slow operations, perverted it into tyranny". "In every government on earth is some trace of human weakness, some germ of corruption and degeneracy, which cunning will cover and wickedness insensibly open, cultivate, and improve"

We stand on a dangerous precipice overlooking the eventual collapse of our fundamental system of government. When a bill is crafted behind closed doors, when democrat senators hide the bill from republicans, when senate republicans are repudiated and vilified for their lack of complicity all the while chastised for "standing in the way" of "historic change", willful deceit engenders the Democratic Party. Let the Democrats own it! Give them sole responsibility! It's their "albatross". They will face the eventual dismantling of their party by the groundswell "Tea Bag" Conservatives. 

The congressional radical arrogance and condescension espoused at the citizens of our great country are a preamble to tyranny. No doubt the people's hue and cry will abate proceding the bill's passage appearance of a "return to normalcy". I predict, among others, two significant events in store for the "brethren"; there will be fury at the ballot box ousting the perpetrators and constitutional challenges in the federal court system. 

There is clearly the beginning of a fundamental paradigm shift from the radical views of our "Reverend Wright" president and the "Bill Ayers" legislature to Conservative "Reagonism". Yes, I believe, as many other do, there will be a passage of time, how much is presently unknown, to undue what is done but we are a strong and intelligent people. We've surmounted obstacles, overcome opposition and vanquished disadvantages in the past. We will, as we'll all witness, perform it again.

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