Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Let em' do it

I'm so happy Ole B.O. (Barrack Obama) won the election! Conservatives have been beating their heads against the wall to stop him from getting into office. I say 'get out of the way and let em' do it'

Two generations have passed since Ronald Reagan was in office. We've forgotten how good we really had it. I really miss him. Really.. no kidding! He is the best president we've had this century. Yea, I know some of you are pounding your computers saying "NO, FDR WAS THE GREATEST! No, FDR rebuilt our country with borrowed money that has NEVER been paid back. Reagan did it by giving our tax money back. He breathed new life into our "Stagflation" country .Reagan spawned a tremendous fiscal revolution the carried Bush 1 into office and helped slick Willy hold the country together for two terms.

I assume you all know the Dow took a another 411 point drop today. Our country is spiraling into a depression. Companies are going out of business at record rates. About 20% of American mortgage borrowers are upside-down, meaning they owe more than their homes are now valued. Unemployment is at 6.5% a fourteen year high!

Like FDR, Ole' B. O. s new jobs plan is the usual tax and spend. I alluded to it in my last column. He wants to save the country. The irony is we're asking the same party who put us in this situation to fix it. That's the same as making a alcoholic a bartender!
Our new bartender Ole' B.O., the power alcoholic, will be serving us potions to keep us drunk. Drunk and blissful for the next four years! LL's are dancing in the streets! Wait till the honeymoon is over and Ole' B.O. has to govern. I give him till July for his ratings to take a nose dive. The drunks will wake up in a hangover and say "My God, what have we done?"

It makes me ill to compare Ole' B.O. with Ronald Reagan.....

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