Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Road to Imperialism

The road to Imperialism is paved by Barack Obama who will go down as the worst president of the United States eclipsing the lunacy bar set by the venerable Jimmy Carter. Obama just let us know that none of us are or can be successful without the government. He gave us his version of an uneducated adolescent rant ranted last Friday at a gathering of supporters in Roanoke Virginia. Beginning by telling us many wealthy business owners agree with him, "... if you’ve been successful, you didn’t get there on your own... I’m always struck by people who think, well, it must be because I was just so smart. There are a lot of smart people out there. It must be because I worked harder than everybody else. Let me tell you something -- there are a whole bunch of hardworking people out there." What our child president does not understand is it also takes risking your money and hard work. Who said wealthy people are smart? Not taking away any intelligencece from my wealthy associates but intelligence doesn't matter. It certainly helps by is not requisite. My example is Henry Ford. As you know, Ford vehicles are still being made today by the risk and grit of one man. Ford went as far as the 6th grade. All he knew was he wanted to build cars. When our child president is defeated this November, and he will be defeated in a landslide, Romney needs to issue several executive orders with the first being mothballing Obamacare until it can be repealed in the legislature.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

A Special "Thank You"

We've been rolled again. Intentionally! And yes, I do mean intentionally!

Our Republican Majority in the House of Representitves passed a Debt Increase by the smallest majority last week. The rallying cry from Majority Leader John Boehner was we, the United States, had to raise the debt ceiling so our country wouldn't default, be downgraded or impact the stock market. So far two out of three have just happened. Moody's just downgraded us and I've lost all of my 401 proceeds for this year and then some. The stock market? vacillating around the 500 loss.

Thanks you guys. Job well done as usual.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Supreme Court

A few words on the Supreme Court’s corporate contributions decision in regards to political groups. I’ve read Justice Kennedy’s Majority Opinion, the Minority Opinion and Justice Scalia’s rebuttal to the Minority Opinion. Individuals and or corporations should be able to contribute any and all their finances if they desire. The most cogent argument was forwarded by Justice Scalia’s rebuttal who wrote individuals make up and represent corporations.  He based his opinion using the both the thoughts and writings of the Founding Fathers. The Founders  believed corporations were the same as "Associations" and to ban such would be unconstitutional. They NEVER intended restraint on and political thought and expression whatever the affiliation. The present populist thought would have us believe Corporations were not their intent. Although they never dreamed of today’s corporations, they fully understood and intended citizens to form “groups” with no restraint on definition. I'm still in awe of what they did. They were far reaching and prophetic after all. 

Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Conservative Paradigm Shift

We must continue our Herculean effort to thwart this healthcare debacle. Every effort must be made to retard the legislative process so the American People have a continued opposing voice to the tone deaf Democratic Legislators. With the Senator Nelson sell out, the senate has the 60 votes needed for cloture. The electorate, which will seek senate retribution and jettison the intractable Harry Reid in November, is adamantly opposed to the bill's passage. There will be significant changes in both the house and senate this November prompted by a 3 trillion dollar deficit, cap & trade, the $100 Billion Dollar fleecing of the US Taxpayers at the farce in Copenhagen, Climategate, a complicit mainstream media, Socialist Healthcare Legislation, the Obama Apology Tour, 10.2 % dangerously increasing unemployment, laying with dictators, the trying of the 911 murderers in a New York Court and the absolute refusal to listen and heed to over 61% of the people.

Never, in the history of the United States, has a government willfully and destructively abrogated the privileges and precepts advanced by both the founding fathers and the constitution. Thomas Jefferson warned "...experience hath shown that, even under the best forms {of government}, those entrusted with power, over time, and slow operations, perverted it into tyranny". "In every government on earth is some trace of human weakness, some germ of corruption and degeneracy, which cunning will cover and wickedness insensibly open, cultivate, and improve"

We stand on a dangerous precipice overlooking the eventual collapse of our fundamental system of government. When a bill is crafted behind closed doors, when democrat senators hide the bill from republicans, when senate republicans are repudiated and vilified for their lack of complicity all the while chastised for "standing in the way" of "historic change", willful deceit engenders the Democratic Party. Let the Democrats own it! Give them sole responsibility! It's their "albatross". They will face the eventual dismantling of their party by the groundswell "Tea Bag" Conservatives. 

The congressional radical arrogance and condescension espoused at the citizens of our great country are a preamble to tyranny. No doubt the people's hue and cry will abate proceding the bill's passage appearance of a "return to normalcy". I predict, among others, two significant events in store for the "brethren"; there will be fury at the ballot box ousting the perpetrators and constitutional challenges in the federal court system. 

There is clearly the beginning of a fundamental paradigm shift from the radical views of our "Reverend Wright" president and the "Bill Ayers" legislature to Conservative "Reagonism". Yes, I believe, as many other do, there will be a passage of time, how much is presently unknown, to undue what is done but we are a strong and intelligent people. We've surmounted obstacles, overcome opposition and vanquished disadvantages in the past. We will, as we'll all witness, perform it again.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Road to Facsism

My good friends, I urge you to join me in volunteering to join the Carly Fioina for Senator campaign. Comrade Boxer comes up for re election next November and, after todays Obamacare vote, ignored the will of the people and has helped us Californians get one step closer to paying four years of increased taxes while the program doesn't start till 2014. If you sit on your hands we get closer to a Fascist Government that will be determining who lives and who dies. I've joined Carly's campaign. Please come with me. Folks, this is real stuff! We're on the road to serfdom! Neville Chamberlin ignored the warnings of Winston Churchill and plowed europe into the second world war.

Friday, November 20, 2009

The Sting

The U. S. Senate gets a chance, tomorrow at 8:00 pm eastern, to save my life. They will, with the passage of this debacle, be sentencing me to death if it passes. Given the Bamster's chief medical advisor Dr. Death Ezekiel Emanuels', who covets the use to medical funds for younger people, position on health care for the elderly, we older folks are staring at a future of government bureaucrats determining our medical needs. I suspect, with good cause, funds will be provided in the very beginning of this liberal smorgasbord of congressional spending orgasm, but will soon be rationed as the shortage of doctors and nurses increases, the inclusion of everyone in the United States, and the increase of our Federal deficit by trillions of dollars thereby laying at the steps of our great grandchildren, a sum which will forever encumber them. All of this done in the name of compassion to give 12 million people, a 5% portion of the non participants in a medical plan, cradle to grave medical insurance. Notice I did not say coverage, I said Insurance. Bring to me a person who has been refused treatment and I'll give to you a complete change in my position. Since the prospect is dim, to say the least, I remain adamantly opposed to any such take over. I must, without reservation, implore you to contact your senator today. This vote tomorrow will not affect the youngest of our citizenry immediately but will, in a short amount of time, wrap the medical noose around our necks while promulgating freedom from medical treatment worry.

Monday, November 9, 2009

What's Really in the Pelosi Bill?

I infrequently post a column. This one by Betsy McCaughey examines the debacle and does it extremely well:

The health bill that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is bringing to a vote (H.R. 3962) is 1,990 pages. Here are some of the details you need to know.

What the government will require you to do:

• Sec. 202 (p. 91-92) of the bill requires you to enroll in a "qualified plan." If you get your insurance at work, your employer will have a "grace period" to switch you to a "qualified plan," meaning a plan designed by the Secretary of Health and Human Services. If you buy your own insurance, there's no grace period. You'll have to enroll in a qualified plan as soon as any term in your contract changes, such as the co-pay, deductible or benefit.

• Sec. 224 (p. 118) provides that 18 months after the bill becomes law, the Secretary of Health and Human Services will decide what a "qualified plan" covers and how much you'll be legally required to pay for it. That's like a banker telling you to sign the loan agreement now, then filling in the interest rate and repayment terms 18 months later.

Associated Press

Protestors wave signs in front of the Capitol on Thursday.

On Nov. 2, the Congressional Budget Office estimated what the plans will likely cost. An individual earning $44,000 before taxes who purchases his own insurance will have to pay a $5,300 premium and an estimated $2,000 in out-of-pocket expenses, for a total of $7,300 a year, which is 17% of his pre-tax income. A family earning $102,100 a year before taxes will have to pay a $15,000 premium plus an estimated $5,300 out-of-pocket, for a $20,300 total, or 20% of its pre-tax income. Individuals and families earning less than these amounts will be eligible for subsidies paid directly to their insurer.

• Sec. 303 (pp. 167-168) makes it clear that, although the "qualified plan" is not yet designed, it will be of the "one size fits all" variety. The bill claims to offer choice—basic, enhanced and premium levels—but the benefits are the same. Only the co-pays and deductibles differ. You will have to enroll in the same plan, whether the government is paying for it or you and your employer are footing the bill.

• Sec. 59b (pp. 297-299) says that when you file your taxes, you must include proof that you are in a qualified plan. If not, you will be fined thousands of dollars. Illegal immigrants are exempt from this requirement.

• Sec. 412 (p. 272) says that employers must provide a "qualified plan" for their employees and pay 72.5% of the cost, and a smaller share of family coverage, or incur an 8% payroll tax. Small businesses, with payrolls from $500,000 to $750,000, are fined less.

Eviscerating Medicare:

In addition to reducing future Medicare funding by an estimated $500 billion, the bill fundamentally changes how Medicare pays doctors and hospitals, permitting the government to dictate treatment decisions.

• Sec. 1302 (pp. 672-692) moves Medicare from a fee-for-service payment system, in which patients choose which doctors to see and doctors are paid for each service they provide, toward what's called a "medical home."

The medical home is this decade's version of HMO-restrictions on care. A primary-care provider manages access to costly specialists and diagnostic tests for a flat monthly fee. The bill specifies that patients may have to settle for a nurse practitioner rather than a physician as the primary-care provider. Medical homes begin with demonstration projects, but the HHS secretary is authorized to "disseminate this approach rapidly on a national basis."

A December 2008 Congressional Budget Office report noted that "medical homes" were likely to resemble the unpopular gatekeepers of 20 years ago if cost control was a priority.

• Sec. 1114 (pp. 391-393) replaces physicians with physician assistants in overseeing care for hospice patients.

• Secs. 1158-1160 (pp. 499-520) initiates programs to reduce payments for patient care to what it costs in the lowest cost regions of the country. This will reduce payments for care (and by implication the standard of care) for hospital patients in higher cost areas such as New York and Florida.

• Sec. 1161 (pp. 520-545) cuts payments to Medicare Advantage plans (used by 20% of seniors). Advantage plans have warned this will result in reductions in optional benefits such as vision and dental care.

• Sec. 1402 (p. 756) says that the results of comparative effectiveness research conducted by the government will be delivered to doctors electronically to guide their use of "medical items and services."

Questionable Priorities:

While the bill will slash Medicare funding, it will also direct billions of dollars to numerous inner-city social work and diversity programs with vague standards of accountability.

• Sec. 399V (p. 1422) provides for grants to community "entities" with no required qualifications except having "documented community activity and experience with community healthcare workers" to "educate, guide, and provide experiential learning opportunities" aimed at drug abuse, poor nutrition, smoking and obesity. "Each community health worker program receiving funds under the grant will provide services in the cultural context most appropriate for the individual served by the program."

These programs will "enhance the capacity of individuals to utilize health services and health related social services under Federal, State and local programs by assisting individuals in establishing eligibility . . . and in receiving services and other benefits" including transportation and translation services.

• Sec. 222 (p. 617) provides reimbursement for culturally and linguistically appropriate services. This program will train health-care workers to inform Medicare beneficiaries of their "right" to have an interpreter at all times and with no co-pays for language services.

• Secs. 2521 and 2533 (pp. 1379 and 1437) establishes racial and ethnic preferences in awarding grants for training nurses and creating secondary-school health science programs. For example, grants for nursing schools should "give preference to programs that provide for improving the diversity of new nurse graduates to reflect changes in the demographics of the patient population." And secondary-school grants should go to schools "graduating students from disadvantaged backgrounds including racial and ethnic minorities."

• Sec. 305 (p. 189) Provides for automatic Medicaid enrollment of newborns who do not otherwise have insurance.