Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Attacks Begin....

Did you all happen to read Comrade Barack has just began going after Corporate Chiefs? Didn't take long did it? He playing the old "You guys make too much money" game again. How come liberals don't understand how wealth is created? Its not made from the "Robin Hood" philosophy; Take from the Rich and Give to the poor. Its made by the rich investing their money. It real simple. Children understand it. Here is the lesson to you dolts; The rich invest their money, the build businesses, the businesses give people jobs, people make money, people buy goods, making other goods puts more people to work. See? Really easy! So dolts, here's what happens when you tax the rich. THE MONEY THE USE TO INVEST IS NOW GONE TO TAXES SO NO JOBS GET CREATED. HOW HARD IS THIS TO UNDERSTAND? I know I shouldn't yell or call people names but gee, how stupid can you be? SOCIALISM HAS FAILED EVERY TIME IT HAS BEEN TRIED. WHY DO YOU DOLTS WANT MORE?