Monday, January 26, 2009

Girly Men

Reagan believed less government and tax cuts would spur the economy. Beginning in 1981, the biggest recovery in United States history happened. So big, it has come to be know as "The Seven Fat Years". It was a time when tax cuts were enacted by a majority controlled house and senate, the Federal Reserve agreed to keep interest rates down & Tip O'Neill promised to cut spending. Of course O'Neill, being a Democrat, lied to the Americans and didn't keep his word. It didn't matter, the amount the Treasury took in doubled in that time. We saw an unprecedented recovery and abundance that hasn't been seen since 1929. Of course, George the First became elected and ran as fast as he could away from Reagan's principles and... well, you know the rest of the story.
Fast forward to today. Another recession. And... who is at the helm? Ole B.O. Take a look at the spending proposals. Most are for welfare programs resembling the old WPA under the Roosevelt Administration. It didn't work then either. If it was not for WW ll, we'd still be in it! Make work jobs lowered the unemployment rate from the low twenty's to the middle teens by 1937 but was heading back up because employment was temporary.
So, here we are again at the precipice and what does Ole' B.O. do? Big government all over again. And you want to know the scariest part? The lemmings in the country want it! No conservative leadership! Feminine Republicans! My party is the party of girly men!
We, conservatives, hunger for someone to take charge and dump the liberals, lemmings & girly men. I'm so sick of the wimps in this country. Stand up and act like conservatives!!